Welcome to "Road to Earth 2.0." a space where we reimagine the building blocks of a feasible alternative world. Here, we’ll discuss how the future can take shape and what we want to see in it. Imagine a world where everything goes right—maybe we haven’t been striving enough because we can’t fully envision it. Together, we'll think about the building blocks of Earth 2.0, embracing the Stockdale Paradox by maintaining faith in ultimate victory while confronting the brutal facts of our current reality.
What you get
Green Swan Pursuit: Stay updated with the top 5 positive sustainability news highlights from the last two weeks, accompanied by my insights.
Thought Seeds Lab: A space for challenging ideas that nourish and push the boundaries of our thinking.
Discovery Den / Eco Calendar: Here, we'll explore content that nourishes our vision—podcasts, books, websites, and more that have inspired me along the way.
Business Sustainability Insights: Content focused on nourishing your business side in daily life, offering practical sustainability insights for professional knowledge.
Your Dailyish Knowledge Dose: I’ll be sharing ideas and tidbits that spark thought and inspire deeper understanding and enrich your day.
Embracing Change
Over the past 50 years, humanity has changed more than in its entire history. We’ll explore how we can embrace the potential of the Anthropocene as a revolution in the Earth's system. What excites me the most is hearing diverse, sometimes opposing ideas and engaging with them.
Reinventing Everything
Join us in reimagining our environment, ourselves, our world, and our technology. We’ll move beyond homogenized unity, avoiding excessive fragmentation, and strive for a balanced collective.
Realizing Our Power
For the first time in history, a single species wields a global impact comparable to geological forces. Let’s explore this unprecedented influence and its implications together. Subscribe to be part of a community that values thoughtful conversations, visionary ideas, and the collective reimagining of our future.